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A member registered Jun 15, 2021

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This was a very cool game!

I especially like how the player character was a mouse cursor on a desktop. It made the game feel very different from all of the other games!

Some lines were a bit confusing, mainly with words like "you" or "he".  But I could still follow the story!

What did happen to the missing friend?? It is a mystery! (●ó⌓ò●)

This game was fun and cute!

I like that after soccer club, we went home to play a soccer game. It's fun! The house was like a maze, with rooms revealing themselves as I entered. Super cool! ٩(⑅๑❛ᴗ❛)۶

I'm happy to! (੭^ᴗ^)੭

I can't seem to find the game! Am I doing something wrong?

This game was cute! I am happy to have become everyone's friend. ₍₍ (ง ˙ω˙)ว ⁾⁾

I like the colors that were used. It looks nice!

Even a demon can be friendly!

This was a great story, it really made me think! It took me a while to get to the end, I ran into a glitch that would occasionally trap me in year 2021.

Can a robot be a friend? It's a very interesting question. I think the answer very much depends on how you would define "friend", and "robot". I think it can!

If this were to happen to me, I would not throw Robo away afterwards. Probably, I would keep them around in the hopes that I could save them someday.

This was a fun story! I was able to find my present in the back room. I wonder who locked it away? But, in the end, I was able to make Taro happy!

It took me a second to understand some of the lines, mainly the word "your".

I found that the dog is able to speak! Is that a secret? :O

This was a funny and relatable story!

All of the friends had so many ideas for what we could do over the summer, and in the end we did nothing, as usual. That sounds like my friends, haha! _( ´˂˃` )_

Great story! I was not expecting the surprise reveal at the end. Is it true? This is a real cliff hanger!

In light of what I discovered, I guess you could say it was a successful operation! ٩( ᐛ )و

This was fun. I enjoyed seeing all of the other students and the teacher, they were very cute!

I was able to score 100 points! (「・ω・)「

This game was a lot of fun! I was able to make stickman save the class!

But what happened to the teachers? Are they in the computer world? (・0・)

This was a great story, the way the chatlog was displayed was super interesting!
I was sad to find that my online friend would not forgive me. But I found I could make a new friend! Life goes on. (´ᴖωᴖ`^)

This was a great story! I like the part where you enter the mansion and the game enters a side-view rather than a top-down view. It's cool!
I was also surprised to find that my friend ran on batteries! And I am glad I was able to help her.

This story was very original and fun! I enjoyed travelling and collecting books. The power of teamwork helped the nerd save the girl! \( ^ิ∀^ิ )/

This was a cool story with a relatable meaning! I hope we were able to all play a game together the next day, despite the angry message.

Great job! This story was engaging and sad.  I didn't want my friends to go away! But sometimes, that's life. (◡.◡)

This was fantastic! It was the first project I've seen with music so far too, which was a great touch.
I accidentally picked a flower on my first playthrough, so I knew I was going to get in trouble.
The second time, I set things straight, and had a relaxing day at the park! (◍′ω‵◍)

This was a very pretty game! I enjoyed taking a relaxing walk and meeting my friend on the mountain.
The textboxes were all very descriptive! I know of one secret. Hello flower! ٩(✿╹◡╹✿)۶

Woah! I did not think I would be sent to jail! --('o')--

This was a very fun story, with an unexpected twist!

Hi Teacher! ( ◜▿◝ )/

This was a fun story. Very heartwarming!
I am glad to have found enough money to afford the motorcycle! ( ^∀^ )